Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Al: Final Project: Firetruck

Nicole Atterberry X00105576

My fire truck, not easy but used all shapes to make and a lot of layering.

My fire station, again not easy but I went with the basic outline as the smaller details were harder to make out.

My fire truck pulled in front of the station.

Al Ex: Leather Jacket

Nicole Atterberry

My Mandala

My Rose Jacket

And my Star jacket using mandala

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Al: Ex: Pen #3: Surfboard

Nicole Atterberry X00105576

 Added my image of angle fish to board, using the oval tool.
Created the waves using the pen tool and gradients, then the seaweed using different colors and opacity. Did the bubbles using oval tool and the jelly bean technique to highlight and changed the opacity. Created fish using mostly pen tool and added gradient. 

Al Ex:Pen #2: Scotty Dog

Nicole Atterberry X00105576

 Created a border around image, a drop shadow for dog and text.
Copy and pasted first image, removing the shadow and changing the opacity to make it look like it was printed on shirt.
Added my image of the crane and a cool font, again changing the opacity and colors of the image.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Al: Ex: Pen #1: Airplane & Crane

Nicole Atterberry X00105576

 My paper plane using triangles.
My origami bird, again using triangle and adding gradient.

My pen practice, using color, gradients and changing levels of opacity.

Al: Ex: Diamond #2 Necklace

Nicole Atterberry         X00105576

 My first one I tried to make a chain link similar to picture in the instructions and then the image a border that I think made it look as if it were in a box for display.

This one, I tried a more funky chain and went with my favorite color for the gem.

Al: Ex: Diamond #1 Security

Nicole Atterberry X00105576

I used the grid and line segments to make diamond, added a star and changed the tracking for the text to add more space and was done. Easy one!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Al Ex: Easter

Nicole Atterberry X00105576

My Easter image; used the eclipse tool to create eggs and rabbit and the gradient tool for the eggs and background.

My cat; using shapes!

Al Ex: Pet Rescue & Caladium

Nicole Atterberry                          00105576

My dog came out well I think. I used pencil to sketch the dog and the eclipse tool to make the eyes as well as the circles. Added in the text with the drop shadow to the dog to finish.

This one was a little tricky, and I know my dots could have been smaller but they were not easy to move or drag and it tool a long time. Overall, I think it came out okay.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Al: Ex: Type, Admit One and Recycled

My Admit tickets 

My Recycled image

My type image,

Al Ex: Industrial Objects

Nicole Atterberry X00105576

My industrial pipe, using the metal colors for the gradient along with shapes to give a 3D appearance.

Al Ex: Hearts & Shamrocks

Nicole Atterberry  X00105576

 I choose the pepper mill, created each shape and then used the steps in which we grouped and then subtracted the layers. and added them togther in the end.
 My St. Patrick's day card: Designed border, gave the clover a gradient and used the color of the border to match the orange text.
I added all sorts of colored hearts, with different opacities ad sizes. Then a border, along with a drop shadow for a couple of the hearts and pink glow around the text.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

AL Ex: Shapes

Nicole Atterberry X00105576

 Shapes: I included a rectangle, rounded rectangle, and a hexagon over the top with a lower opacity. A few circles, oval and a star. Added a spiral and a line segment.

On my column, I struggled a bit but overall I think it turned out okay,then added my borders and drop shadow to my heading to finish it off.

Now, I am really happy with this one! I drew the leaves myself and after about 30 minutes I have a rose I love. I thought my rose and leaves look like a cartoon drawing and I like it.

Friday, June 21, 2013

PSD Ex. Motorcross

Nicole Atterberry X00105576
I used the blur motion filter to make my image of the rider appear if he were moving through the air. Added a cool font for the title, of course rotated it. I then used the Skew tool to slant the other text and at last I added some borders and painted over one on top.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Marriage Certificate

Marriage Certificate Before

And After I used the clone tool to replace missing parts of the border and the brush tool to remove what looked like a lot of excess ink on the page that had smeared. I removed some stains and what appeared to be a burn hole in the center. I also removed the punch holes in the left of the certificate and brought back what I thought might have been close the original color. The words are still not readable and do not think there is much I can do to fix it. It probably was legible to read when it was first done due to handwriting.

Maine Novel

Nicole Atterberry                                                                                                             X00105576

                                                             My Paint Daubs image.
                                                            My Tinted Drawing image.
My Diffuse Glow image.
 My book cover, which included a crystallized image of the lake house and I used a font on the title that I thought looked digital and matched well with my image. I used a shape shadow on the oval.
                                                                   Maine- Crystallized Filter

Visual Communications Ch. 1

Nicole Atterberry
Student Number:

Graphics and Visual Communications Management, Chapter 1
Answers can be found in the Graphics and Visual Communications Management, Chapter 1 document, posted under CONTENT in D2L.

  1. Answer all questions below, briefly but completely.
  2. Change the color of the answer to BLUE.
  3. When this sheet is complete, copy the information and images into a new blog post.

Graphics and Visual Communications Management, Chapter 1
1.    Document design decisions:
List 10 questions you should consider when designing a document that affect readability and visual appeal of the document:
1. What layout am I going to use?
2.  Am I leaving enough white space, or does it appear crowded?
3. Which font(s) will I use to make it visually attractive yet readable?
4. What color text should I use given background and readability?
5. Should I adjust my text lines according to my margins?
6. Does my text need centering?
7. Am I allowing enough space between lines?
8. How do I combine type styles?
9. What fonts should I use for my headings?
10. Where should I place my headings?

2.    Page layout considerations:
  1. What is the size of the standard size/layout of most business reports, memos, and letters?
A single 6 ½’’ column on an 8 ½’’ by 11’’ page.

  1. What is the purpose of a grid in page layout design?
It gives you a basis for following a set format in which will allow you to have a consistent placement of text and graphics within a multipage document.

  1. Why would a designer choose a multi-column layout instead of a single column layout?
It allows you to insert graphics within columns, and to use landscape orientation while keeping text lines to a readable length.

  1. What is the importance of “white space” in page layout design?
It allow spaces between text and images, to avoid crowding and allowing your document to be easily readable.

  1. What is the optimum line length of a line of text?
It is between 35 and 70 characters or between 8 to 12 words.

  1. What happens to readability if the line is too short?
It breaks up units of words that the reader expects to read together, thus making the reader work harder to discern the message.

  1. What happens to readability if the line is too long?
It requires the reader to move his or her head too much, causing fatigue.

  1. Describe these text alignment terms:

  1. Fully justified:  Text that is flush left and flush right.

  1. Left justified:  Text that is flush left but not to the right, leaving the right margin appearing jagged.

  1. Right justified: Leaves the text flush with the right margin but not he left, which will appear jagged.

  1. Centered:  Displays the text lines centered over one another and both right and left sides are jagged.

3. Font/file  considerations:

1.     Describe the difference between serif fonts and sans serif fonts: Serif typeface has small, horizontal strokes that extend from the end of the vertical strokes; leading your eye quickly along a line of copy and easily processed. Sans serif typeface lacks those small horizontal strokes.

2. List three serif fonts and change them into their actual font (for example: Times New Roman):
a. Georgia, Georgia
b. Times New Roman, Times New Roman
c. Garamond, Garamond
3. List three sans serif fonts and change them into their actual font (for example: Verdana):
a. Franklin Gothic, Franklin Gothic
b. Gill Sans, Gill Sans
c. Verdana, Verdana

4. What is a PDF file and why are PDF files commonly used? It is a portable document format file created with a program such as adobe which captures the exact look of the doc. appearing the same on Windows and Macintosh systems; also printing form any system.

5. What happens if a font in the document is NOT installed in the computer?
Then the program used to view the doc. will substitute the font, changing the font and sometimes making it unreadable.

6. With regard to font size: 1 point equals how many inches? It is equal to 1/72 of an inch.

7. What is the optimum point size range for good readability? A range of 9 to 12 points.

8. Define these terms with regard to font size:
a. x-height: Help to decide whether your text will legible at a smaller size or whether it needs to be bigger by measuring the lowercase letters without any ascenders or descenders .
b. ascender: Refers to the part of the letter ascending upward above the x-height.
c. descender: Refers to the part of the letter descending below the x-height.

9. Explain why some fonts may appear larger than others even if they are the same point size. Because some fonts with a larger x-height and individual letter width can take up more space.

10. a. What is leading? (NOTE: This pronounced “led-ding” NOT “leeding”) It refers to line spacing between text.

  b. Why is leading “set solid” not advised? Because it leaves  no space between lines and makes the reader have to read more slowly to avoid jumping lines.

11. When is it most appropriate to use type styles such as bold and italicsWhen you want to single out or make emphasis to a certain word or sentence to grab the attention of the reader.

12. WHY IS IT DIFFICULT TO READ BLOCKS OF TEXT THAT ARE ALL IN UPPER CASE? It can make it harder to read since the reader has to spend more time focusing and distinguishing between letters and recognizing words.

13.  Explain the basics of using fonts, font sizes, and styles to create a hierarchy of information in a lengthy document: It helps to break up the information into levels, for example headings and subheadings which tend to be larger and even smaller type for footnotes or captions.

4. Document design exercise:
Follow the directions below to practice the design principles found in this chapter. You need to be in MS WORD to complete this assignment.   You may want to print these directions so you can more easily follow them as you work through this exercise.
  1. Go to the end of this document: CTRL END
  2. Insert a page break to create a new page: CTRL ENTER
  3. Type in this title: Document Design Considerations
  4. Select the title by dragging the cursor over the title text.  Try the following shortcuts to change the style of the title:
·       CTRL I        (italics, repeat to un-italicize)
·       CTRL U      (underline, repeat to remove underling)
·       CTRL B       (bold, repeat to un-bold—leave the title bold)
·       CTRL R       (right justify)
·       CTRL L       (left justify)
·       CTRL E       (center—leave the title centered)
·       SHIFT  CTRL  >  (increase font size, do this several times, then SHIFT CTRL < to decrease font size)
·       SHIFT   F3 (change case,  NOTE: F3 is one of the function keys at the top of the keyboard. Try this shortcut several times to cycle through the cases)
·       CTRL D    Design, opens FONT dialog box; change colors, fonts, sizes, styles; try many of these
  1. Body:  Press the ENTER key twice after the title. Press CTRL L to left justify the body. Change the font to CALIBRI and font size to 11 points (no bold or italics, etc.). Type in the following formula to create 3 paragraphs of “fill text” with 7 sentences in each paragraph:
=rand(3,7)   then press the ENTER key to create the fill text
  1. Click in the middle of the second paragraph. TRIPLE-click to select the paragraph. Try these shortcuts with the selected paragraph:
·       CTRL M      (to indent or move the paragraph; SHIFT CTRL M to move it back)
·       CTRL 2       (double space, CTRL 1 to single-space—leave as single-spaced)
·       To create columns: On the ribbon: PAGE LAYOUTàCOLUMNSàTWO
  1. Save this file with CTRL S

5. BLOG: Create a new blog post and insert the information and images from this sheet in the new post.

Document Design Considerations

On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document text by choosing a look for the selected text from the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab. You can also format text directly by using the other controls on the Home tab. Most controls offer a choice of using the look from the current theme or using a format that you specify directly. To change the overall look of your document, choose new Theme elements on the Page Layout tab.

To change the looks available in the Quick Style gallery, use the Change Current Quick Style Set command. Both the Themes gallery and the Quick Styles gallery provide reset commands so that you can always restore the look of your document to the original contained in your current template. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document text by choosing a look for the selected text from the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab. You can also format text directly by using the other controls on the Home tab.

Most controls offer a choice of using the look from the current theme or using a format that you specify directly. To change the overall look of your document, choose new Theme elements on the Page Layout tab. To change the looks available in the Quick Style gallery, use the Change Current Quick Style Set command. Both the Themes gallery and the Quick Styles gallery provide reset commands so that you can always restore the look of your document to the original contained in your current template. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look.

Marrakesh Menu

Nicole Atterberry                                                                                                               X00105576
I decided to insert an image taken at night, giving it more of "dinner menu" appearance. I used the pin tool to remove the tree image, and then inserted my image. Made the text white so that it would stand out against the black night sky and used purple above to bring out the color in the pattern below.

Kumquat Pie

Nicole Atterberry                                                                                                                X00106676

I used the quick select tool and cropped out my selection of the kumquats and leaves.
Created a new layer in which to make the shadow, colored it in and used the Gaussian blur filter to give shadow appearance.
Added text and green and orange border using the rectangle tool.

European Capitals

Nicole Atterberry - 00X05576

I tried to follow directions but fell short, left with lines.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Appendix A & B

Nicole Atterberry
Student Number:

Shelly Cashman Photoshop CS 4
Appendix A & Appendix B Assignment

Answers to this exercise can be found in the Shelly Cashman Appendix A & B: PDF  document, posted under CONTENT in D2L.  If it takes too long to download, the document is also available here:
This file may take a while to download to your computer, so be patient!
  1. Answer all questions below, briefly but completely.
  2. Change the color of the answer to BLUE.
  3. When this sheet is complete, copy the information and images into a new blog post.

FROM APPENDIX A: Project Planning Guideline
List and briefly describe the 4 project planning guidelines:
1. Determine the project’s purpose: It is an understanding of why it is you are taking on the project at hand, whether it be to touch up a photo, create an invitation, or designing a flyer for advertisement.

2. Analyze your audience: Figuring out who will be viewing or using your project and creating and tailoring it to meet the specifics needs and interest of those individuals. 

3. Gather possible content:  Start by collecting images, photos and other data that can be used as material for your project, given you have all legal rights to do so.

4. Determine what content to present to your audience:  You need to cross reference you audience list with material list, and determine which is best suited for communicating message or what it is you are trying to accomplish.

FROM APPENDIX B: Graphic Design Overview
1. Define the following terms regarding GRAPHIC DESIGN (terms are listed in alphabetic order):
  1. Balance:  Using asymmetrical and symmetrical balance, you can allow for a more balanced image and avoid viewers from feeling overwhelmed and making it hard to focus on the image.
  1. Closure: A technique for designing objects without solid lines and creates visual interest.
  1. Continuance: Create a focal point to capture viewers’ attention and through the use of diagonal lines you can create a path you want the viewer to follow.
  1. Contrast: Creates visuals differences within the image  by designing colors, scales, or characteristics that stand out on a page or background.
  1. Device dependency:  For example, web pages; which will cause the appearance  or format in which it is displayed, to be different depending on which device is used to view or access the web page ( tablet, pc, smartphone, laptop, ect.)
  1. Dominance: The use of specific designs in which will create a focal point or highlight in which the viewer will see first.
  1. Negative space:  Also none as white space, refers to space within the image that contains no information and keeps the image from looking cluttered.
  1. Pixel: The smallest element of a digital image that changes based on resolution.
  1. Proximity: Refers to space between elements of the image, including the header and paragraphs, so that you can keep from cluttering page make things flow better.
  1. Public-domain images: Great for finding free artwork or photographs.
  1. Repetition: A technique in which involves using/ repeating a specific color scheme or other visual characteristics to create a uniform appearance and overall layout.
  1. Resolution: Refers to the number of  pixels within in an images, is also used for print output.
  1. Royalty-free images: Refers to images that can be used more than once without having to pay a royalty fee for each use of the image.
  1. Stock art: Refers to licensed artwork and photographs that is commercially available for a given price.
  1. Unity: Refers to creating a design element that will allow your work to flow well and give an overall balanced image.
  1. White space: Also called Negative space, however it  does not have to be white .

2. Define the following terms regarding COLOR TERMS (terms are listed in alphabetic order):
  1. CMYK color: A mix of cyan, magenta, yellow and black pigments to create other colors, used in color printing.
  1. Color relativity: Refers to the relationship of colors and how bright or dark they stand out against different colors in a background or foreground.
  1. Color scheme: Analogous: Refers to using colors that are closely found on the color wheel and best complement each other.
  1. Color scheme: Complementary: Refers to the method of using colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel to create a high contrast look that appears vibrant.
  1. Color scheme: Monochromatic: Refers to a smooth look that is easy to create, and  uses a single hue with a variety of shades and tints.
  1. Desaturated colors: Technique used to create mellow tones that can evoke calm feeling s or neon colors to produce cause excitement.
  1. Hue: Refers to the tone, or actual color such as red, yellow or blue.
  1. L*A*B color: Combines levels of lightness with two color channels, a and b, allowing it to closely approximate the true human perception of color and can therefore produce more colors than either RGB or CMYK.
  1. RGB color: Color model that mixes red, green, and blue light to create other colors; used by computer monitors and TV screens.
  1. Saturation: Refers to the intensity of a color effected by the level of hue.
  1. Shade: A mixture of hue and black, producing a darker color.
  1. Tint: A mixture of a hue and white, producing a lighter color.
  1. Value: Refers to a color’s overall lightness or darkness.

3. List what emotions are often associated with these colors:
  1. Black: Represents  death, evil, mystery, intelligence and power.
  1. Blue: A favorite of men; implies authority, stability, loyalty and confidence.
  1. Green: Symbolizes positive things; growth, tranquility, luck, money, and health and even jealousy.
  1. Red: Can symbolize love, passion, comfort and sin, hell and danger.
  1. White: Can be associated with cleanliness, purity and hope, mourning and death, and brides and doctors.

4. List 5 factors that contribute to the readability of text:
  1. Large text passages written in lowercase are easier to read than long text passages in uppercase.
  2. Regular text is easier to read than italicized text.
  3. Black text on a white background is easier to read that white on a black background.
  4. Legibility effects readability.
  5. Line length, letterforms, and appearance all influence readability.

5. Explain the responsibilities of the CLIENT in the client/designer relationship:  A client must be able to clearly communicate his or  her needs of the project and providing timely and constructive feedback to the designer. The client must trust the designer’s expertise and most importantly pay bills on time.

6. Explain the responsibilities of the DESIGNER with regard to customer service:
You should treat your client and your client’s time and money with respect. Try and relate to them on a personal level and have an appreciation for them.

7.      PUBLIC DOMAIN PHOTO SITES: Appendix B (page 22) mentions several sites where you can find PUBLIC DOMAIN PHOTOS, including Flickr, Morgue Files, and Uncle Sam’s Photos.
  1. Go to the sites listed and find the suggested image type.
  2. Save the image and insert where indicated. If you have trouble inserting the image:
·       Take a SCREEN SHOT of the image by holding the CTRL key down and tapping the PRINT SCREEN button on your keyboard (the key probably says PRTSC or something similar), and then paste it into PHOTOSHOP or GIMP.
·       CROP the excess from around the image (from PICTURE TOOLS, click the CROP tool on the right side of the Ribbon).
·       Save the image and then insert into this document on your blog.
Uncle Sam’s Photos:  http://www.unclesamsphotos.com/
On the home page, you will see several categories of images. Click on the SCIENCE category. Find an amazing image of the EARTH FROM SPACE and insert here:

Search for a beautiful image of a TALL SHIP and insert here:

Search for a colorful image of a FLORIDA PANTHER and insert here:

8.   BLOG: Create a new blog post and insert the information and images from this sheet in the new post.